Textile and Clothes Branch Organization

The profile


Branch Organization for Textiles and Apparel (BOTO) is an association of companies in the field of Textiles and Apparel operating in the territory of Bulgaria. It was established in April 2006 in the town of Kyustendil.

Functioning successfully, the association is constantly expanding its reach, and at the moment its members are one of the most reputable and competitive companies in the industry throughout the country.

The Branch Organization for Textile and Apparel (BOTO) has members of different companies, cooperatives, sole traders, individual members of different size and geographic location.


Get in touch


168 Tsar Osvoboditel Str., 2500 Kyustendil, Bulgaria

Contact Us

Phone : +359 (885) 965-606

Email : botoyb@abv.bg

Our Hours

MON-FRI 09:00 – 15:00

Vanyo Kostadinov


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