15 small and medium enterprises in the networking workshop for extroversion within the CREATIVE HUB

A particularly successful networking workshop, entitled “Means of enhancing the extroversion of small and medium-sized enterprises”, was organized on 7.12.22 by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Thessaloniki, in the context of the co-financed CREATIVE HUB project. The workshop was attended by 15 representatives of companies from the clothing and textile industries, who had the opportunity to receive practical advice on how to safely develop export activity, as well as to network with each other, but also with representatives of competent bodies to promote extroversion and the support of the sectors in question.
The event was welcomed by the First Vice President of the Commercial Chamber of Industry of Thessaloniki, Mr. Emmanuel Vlachogiannis. At then its Director of Information and Business Support
Hellenic Investment and Foreign Trade Company (Enterprise Greece), Mr. Georgios Papastergiopoulos, presented the basic steps that businesses should follow for export development activity, providing lots of useful information.
Representing the Hellenic Export Credit Company, Ms. Lydia Mouradidou, focused on the company’s current programs for the insurance of export credits, but also the financing of exporters.

Particularly interesting was the presentation of Ms. Valentina Tsamadou, Production Manager of the Greek clothing company “VAMP SA”, who described the company’s successful path towards extroversion, focusing on the choices that led it to where it is today. The workshop concluded with the presentation of the Fashion Center created at the premises of the Hellenic Fashion Industry Association , in the context of the above project, by the Director General of the Association, Mr. Theofilos Aslanidis
More Information on the actions of the CREATIVE HUB project: Department of Studies & Research EBTH,
Tel.: 2310 370180-182, email: s.angelidou@ebeth.gr
The Creative Hub Project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and by national resources of the countries participating in the Interreg V-A Cooperation Program “Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020”.