2nd Fashion Info Day

On December 19, 2022, the TEXTILE AND CLOTHING BRANCH ORGANIZATION hosted the 2nd FASHION INFO DAY in Bulgaria, which is organized within the European project CREATIVE HUB with title “Development of a Creative Hub for offering support to fashion graduates, young artists start-ups and development mechanisms to the fashion sector of the cross-border area”, implemented under the cross border Cooperation Programme INTERREG V-A “Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020”.
The project is implemented in partnership with Thessaloniki Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Greece (Lead Partner), Association of the Greek Fashion Industry, Greece, Gnosi Anaptixiaki NGO, Greece and Association SAVREMIE, Bulgaria, with representatives of all partners honoring the event.
Within the framework of the second fashion info day, the guest lecturer Mrs. Maria Onteva, designer and lecturer in the FASHION specialty, presented to the more of 45 attendees examples of attractive presentation of a fashion collection of the most popular global brands in a retrospective plan, tracing them to the last fashion seasons.
The second part of the presentation was titled “Fast fashion will no longer be in fashion!” “. The attendees had the opportunity to know the main points underlying the EU Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles.
The fashion day ended with a cocktail/catering.