NETWORKING - a precondition for creating an environment for effective partnership between NGOs, the garment industry and the administration
TEXTILE AND CLOTHES ORGANIZATION invites you to cooperation workshop on topic “NETWORKING – a precondition for creating an environment for effective partnership between NGOs, the garment industry and the administration”
organized within the framework of the European project CREATIVE HUB with title “Development of a Creative Hub for offering support to fashion graduates, young artists start-ups and development mechanisms to the fashion sector of the cross-border
area”, implemented under the cross border Cooperation Programme INTERREG V-A “Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020”.
The event will take place on Thursday, March 2, 2023 from 11:00 pm at the Meeting room “PARA” in Blagoevgrad, address: Ivan Mihailov Str.
The program of the event is attached.
Participation in the event is free and is financed within the framework of the cross border Cooperation Programme INTERREG V-A “Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020”.
For registration and additional information, call: 0878 78 79 37.
10.30-11.00 Registration and welcome coffee
11.00-11.10 Official opening
11.10– 11.40 Presentation of the CREATIVE HUB project and fashion center created in the framework of the project and its offered services
11.40-12.30 NETWORKING – a precondition for creating an environment for effective partnership between NGOs, the garment industry and the administration
12.30-13.30 Discussion
13.30 Cocktail/Catering
*local time /ЕЕТ/