1st networking workshop in Thessaloniki

15 enterprises at the CREATIVE HUB networking workshop for extroversion
A highly successful networking workshop, entitled “Means to enhance the extroversion of small and medium-sized enterprises”, was organized on 7.12.22 by the Thessaloniki Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in the framework of the co-funded CREATIVE HUB project. The workshop was attended by 15 business representatives of the clothing and textile sectors, who had the opportunity to receive practical advice on how to safely develop export activity, as well as to network with each other, but also with representatives of competent bodies to promote extroversion and support these sectors.
The event was opened by the First Vice-President of the Thessaloniki Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Mr. Emmanuel Vlachogiannis. Then, the Director of Business Information and Support of Enterprise Greece agency, Mr. George Papastergiopoulos, presented the basic steps that businesses must follow in order to develop export activity, providing a lot of useful information. Representing the Export Credit Greece S.A., Ms. Lydia Mouratidou focused on the company’s current programs for the insurance of export credits, but also the financing of exporters. Particularly interesting was the presentation of Mrs. Valentini Tsamadou, Production Manager of the Greek clothing company “VAMP SA”, who described the successful course of the company towards extroversion, focusing on the choices that led it to where it is today.
The workshop was completed with the presentation of the Fashion Hub created at the premises of the Hellenic Fashion Industry Association (SEPEE), in the context of the above project, by the General Manager of the Association, Mr. Theofilos Aslanidis.
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“NETWORKING - a precondition for creating an environment for effective partnership between NGOs, the garment industry and the administration” D6.4.1
On March 2, 2023, the TEXTILE AND CLOTHING BRANCH ORGANIZATION hosted the networking workshop on topic “NETWORKING – a precondition for creating an environment for effective partnership between NGOs, the garment industry and the administration”, which is organized within the CREATIVE HUB project with title “Development of a Creative Hub for offering support to fashion graduates, young artists start-ups and development mechanisms to the fashion sector of the cross-border area”, financed under the cross border Cooperation Programme INTERREG V-A “Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020”.

More than 20 representatives of all interested parties in the tripartite dialogue, related to the development of the textile and clothing sector on the Bulgarian side of the border, took part in the networking seminar.

The seminar started with a brief presentation of the project with its goals, activities and expected results, with special emphasis being placed on the activities and services that will be provided by the CREATIVE HUB created under the project in the premises of HELLENIC FASHION INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION, which is a partner on the project. The main goal of the Hub is to support SMEs and young graduates in the fashion sector (footwear, leather, jewelry).

The meeting continued with consideration of networking as a tripartite process in which Business, Local Authorities and NGOs as main participants have their role and responsibilities in the context of development of the Textile and Clothing sector in the region. Both the prerequisites for an effective partnership between the three countries and the forms of cooperation between them were presented, supported by concrete examples. Main attention was paid to the most frequent and key problems of the cooperation, and specific measures and ways to minimize and overcome them were identified.
“NETWORKING – a precondition for creating an environment for effective partnership between NGOs, the garment industry and the administration”,
all three parties /business, NGO and administration/ the main problem that predetermines the current state of their cooperation is the lack of clear procedures for partnership
main conclusion
As a result of the discussion, the main conclusion was that for all three parties /business, NGO and administration/ the main problem that predetermines the current state of their cooperation is the lack of clear procedures for partnership. Clear and transparent mechanisms are a major factor that would increase the motivation of interested parties for more active partnership with the administration and participation in the decision-making process. A change in motivation can be achieved through more active cooperation of the target groups. While for the administration this should be supplemented with information on the functioning of public institutions, for NGOs it is important to receive information through an invitation to get involved, and for businesses, receiving feedback will further stimulate them to continue giving opinions and suggestions.
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2nd networking workshop, organized by the Thessaloniki Chamber of Commerce & Industry (TCCI), on March 29, 2023.

The opportunities for growth through the networking of companies in the clothing and fashion sector were presented in an interactive workshop hosted by the TCCI
The common problems faced by enterprises operating in the clothing and fashion industry and the opportunities to address them, that emerge through networking and the development of partnerships, were presented in a networking workshop, organized by the Thessaloniki Chamber of Commerce & Industry (TCCI), on March 29, 2023. The interactive workshop was part of a series of activities organized by the TCCI for the empowerment of small and medium-sized enterprises of the fashion sector in Greece and Bulgaria, in the framework of the co-funded project CREATIVE HUB.
On behalf of the TCCI, the Deputy Director of Statistics, Studies & Research, Mr. Antonios Bouboulas, welcomed the participants and presented the scope and the main activities of the CREATIVE HUB project, with emphasis on the networking and informative events the consulting services for fashion businesses implemented by the TCCI, which is the Lead Beneficiary of the project.
The host’s greeting was followed by an interactive presentation by the workshop’s Keynote speaker, Ms. Fotini Dimiou, Business Consultant & Coach, who presented the important role that networking can play in addressing the challenges that threaten businesses in the industry. Focusing on the different forms that cooperation between them could take and the benefits that can arise through the development of synergies, Ms. Dimiou aroused the lively interest of the attending businesses, constantly motivating them to participate actively, exchanging views and asking questions.

The General Manager of the Hellenic Fashion Industry Association (SEPEE), Mr. Theofilos Aslanidis, presented the services provided to students, young designers and entrepreneurs through the Fashion Center created within the framework of the CREATIVE HUB project at the premises of the Association. He also referred to the efforts of SEPEE to support the networking and extroversion of its member companies.
In the last section of the workshop, the floor was given to the representatives of the participating companies, who presented their specific business activity and their needs for collaborations, under the guidance of Mrs. Dimiou.
At the end of the event the participants had the opportunity to communicate privately and explore the chances of developing partnerships over a networking meal.
You can also watch the event on the CREATIVE HUB project channel on YouTube.
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2nd Networking Workshop in Bulgaria
On 27 April 2023 ASSOCIATION SAVREMIE hosted the 2nd Networking Workshop in Sandanski (Bulgaria), which was organized within the CREATIVE HUB project with title “Development of a Creative Hub for offering support to fashion graduates, young artists start-ups and development mechanisms to the fashion sector of the cross-border area”, financed under the Cooperation Programme INTERREG V-A “Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020”.
The project partners are the Thessaloniki Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Greece (Lead Partner), Association of the Greek Fashion Industry, Greece, Gnosi Anaptixiaki NGO, Greece, Textile and Clothing Branch Organization – Bulgaria and SAVREMIE Association, Bulgaria.
In the Networking Workshop participated 24 persons – managers of Bulgarian companies from the fashion clothing industry located in the region of Blagoevgrad, Sandanski and Petrich, the deputy mayor of municipality Sandanski, other responsible representatives of the local authorities and representatives of the branch associations.
The moderator Mr. Ivanov presented the project goals, the implemented activities, and the forthcoming project activities. After that he continued with presenting the sense of Networking as a prerequisite for creating an environment for effective partnership between NGOs, the fashion clothing industry, and the administration. The topic provoked an active discussion among the participants.
After that Mr. Belovodski as a deputy director of the regional Clothing Branch Association presented some examples of good practices based on Networking activities.
The speaker Mr. Ivanov presented in addition some Networking models in the fashion clothing industry and started a discussion for the opportunities for transfer of successful Networking models relevant to the branch at regional level which could improve the competitiveness of the clothing producers in the cross-border region of Bulgaria and Greece.
The participants expressed great interest in the topics and initiated intensive discussions. As a result, the representatives of the clothing producers joint around the idea for further discussions for establishment of a regional cluster which could generate more contacts at cross-border and international level, better collaboration with the Creative Hub in Thessaloniki and attracting young designers and specialists with new creative ideas.
The event ended with a cocktail/catering where discussions continued in an informal setting.
Within the informal conversations the participants expressed their satisfaction with the workshop and their motivation to start networking initiatives with the support of Association SAVREMIE and the other project partner organizations.
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3rd networking workshop in Thessaloniki
On May 3rd, 2023 Gnosi Anaptixiaki NGO hosted the 3rd networking workshop entitled “Sustainability in Fashion”. The workshop was attended by business representatives of the clothing and textile sector, who had the opportunity to enhance their knowledge on issues related to the sustainability in fashion industry and attend the presentation of two case studies of businesses that introduced sustainable practices in their manufacturing processes.
The event was opened by Mr. Prodromos Vadratsikas, Project Manager at Gnosi Anaptixiaki NGO, who welcomed the participants and made a brief description of the CREATIVE HUB project and the content of the workshop.
Following the opening speech, Mr. Andreas Kalantzis, Country Manager at OETI – Institute for Ecology, Technology and Innovation presented the basic principles that describe the term “sustainability” in the fashion sector and introduced significant information regarding the sustainability certification and labelling in fashion products.
Next, Ms. Maria Karampa, Sustainability & Sourcing Manager at Athos Pallas P.C. presented their case study regarding the production of sustainable and traceable cotton and the introduction of innovative services in their production chain, that maintain sustainability and quality during their manufacturing process.

Lastly, Mr. Spiros Hortis, General Manager at Cotton Fashion S.A. made a presentation of the company’s current practices regarding the use of Greek cotton for the manufacturing of knitwear within the South-East region of Europe.
The workshop was completed by a discussion session where the participants had the opportunity to express their queries on the presented issues and further enhance the obtained knowledge.
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